Literature is one of the most exiting parts in the study of language. By reading literature, we are able to attain advantages. That is we can enrich our sense of humanity, we will grow up and treat anybody we encounter fairly, we will, best of all, become a wise person when we face some problems with other persons, for examples, we will not solve our problems with emotion, anger and indecent.
Furthermore, we will overcome them wisely instead. We do not behave at our own desire to deal with any problem we face since we still understand and respect another person’s feelings and states. It is really a truism that a literary work reflects a series of happening of human life such their problems, struggles of life, conflicts of life, behaviors and attitudes of human being. It gives us valuable lessons of life as a reflection of human being with their good and bad sides.
Literature offers these things in such a way as to refresh and encourage our own thinking, and so lead us to insight of our own. Literature is one of difficult subjects because understanding a literary work needs deep thinking in comprehension. People play with their expression, feeling, imagination and creation to understand its content. Of so various fields of study, literature, so to speak, presents gorgeous and challenging nuances for language learners to try very hard to find information about its content.
A novel usually concerns with human being and often provides valuable messages for us through the given story. In reading novel, we will not only get enjoyment, but we will also be brought into a vast, close and fresh relationship to life. It is really a truism that what has been written on a novel has been mirror of lives of human beings. The literary works can be the writer’s own experiences or others’ or may even ours.
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