Genre is the way how people interact with others in which they are influenced by culture, ideology, purposes, social and setting. Hence, this thesis is taken from the interview text of Hillary Clinton when she visited Indonesia on 19 February 2009 as broadcasted by RCTI TV station. Her language is influenced by culture, ideology, purposes, social and setting. In addition, her language is easy to understand and simple.
Through this research investigates the types of genre and the organization of conversation used in Hillary Clinton's interview. The purposes of the research are to find out the types of genre and the organization of conversation and reasons in using them to communicate with interviewers.
The descriptive qualitative method is used to conduct this research. This research describes and explains the types of genre and the organization used in Hillary Clinton's interview. To obtain the manageable and systematic data, the researcher himself becomes the main instrument by browsing the internet, reading and classifying the data. Then the data are presented and analyzed by using the types of genre theory proposed by Jean Berko Gleason and Nan Bernstein Ratner and the organization of conversation proposed by Edward Finegan.
Based on the finding of the research, genre analysis which is used in Hillary Clinton's interview can be divided into two categories. First is about types of genre, she mostly uses expository/explanatory, narrative and humor respectively. It means that she explains and narrates something more than making humor though this program is classified as informal program. Second is about the organization of conversation. During the conversation, she always pays attention to the organization. It means that she knows tacitly when she should take turn and pause her answering the interviewers' questions. In addition, the ways of her responses the interviewers' question are preferred and dispreffered response. She uses preferred responses when the interviewers ask about her condition and request something to explore. She also uses dispreferred responses when interviewers ask about her personality experiences.
Based on the findings the above, it is suggested to all of the politicians to consider the Hillary Clinton's genre as model of their organization of conversation in order they can reach what they want and also their communication runs smoothly. In addition, it is also suggested that the ordinary people consider the types of genre and the organization of conversation in order they do not offend somebody else.
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