The result of pre-research observation finds some field problems in teaching and learning process of speaking English as follows: (1) Students consider English as difficult lesson, (2) the students are shy and afraid to speak English, (3) The students are passive, (4) It is difficult for the students to pronounce English words correctly, (5) It is difficult for the students to ask and answer simple question orally, (6) The students can not carry out the simple dialog fluently, (7) It is difficult for the students to comprehend English texts, (8) The teacher does not use the teaching media, and (9) The English teaching and learning activity is monotonous.
The problem above, which the learners have in speaking English, may be viewed under three headings: the first is the lack of opportunity to use the language, the second is psychological aspect consisting anxiety and low motivation and the third is lack of understanding the topic. This research done is aimed at (1) Solving the students’ difficulties in speaking English and (2) Improving students’ motivation in learning speaking English.
In this research, the researcher formulates seven actions to solve the field problems; they are; (1) Providing the answer and question activities, (2) Practicing dialog using a role-play/simulation, (3) Practicing pronunciation using pictures, (4) Translating English texts, (5) Conducting interlude activities, (6) Giving point to the active students, and (7) Using the teaching media.
This is an action research. The subjects of the research are the second grade students’ of class VIIIC of SMP Kristen 4 Monginsidi Surakarta in 2008/2009 academic year. These researches consist of two cycles. Each cycle uses a procedure consisting of overall plan, action, observation, and reflection. The instruments used in this research are field notes or notes, research diaries or journal, test, questionnaire, photograph,
and audio recording. Observation and non-observation techniques are chosen to collect the data in this research.
Communicative activities are used as the teaching technique to solve students’ difficulties in speaking and to improve the speaking ability. They are chosen because of their benefits: reducing anxiety, encouraging motivation, giving chances to use the language and facilitating the students to understand the topic which is being talked.
The result of the research shows that communicative activities are able to solve students’ difficulties in mastering speaking. They can reduce the students’ anxiety and increase students’ motivation so that they are not afraid to speak. They give opportunities to the students to use the language. They can facilitate the students to understand the topic which is being talked. They can also improve the students’ speaking ability. Before the students are given treatments through communicative activities, there are 20 students (from the accuracy test) and 19 (from the fluency test) students who get score 1 – 1.5. After they are given treatment through communicative activities, there are 2 students (from both accuracy and fluency test) who get score 1 – 1.5.
It can be concluded that communicative activities can improve the students’ speaking ability and improve the students; motivation in learning English.
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