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Dalam mata pelajaran secara keseluruhan di SD tempat peneliti bekerja, pelajaran matematika merupakan pelajaran yang nilai rata-rata kela...
Literature is one of the most exiting parts in the study of language. By reading literature, we are able to attain advantages. That is we ...
In this recent time, many interesting news show up both political and social phenomenon. That news is served with an interesting language ...
Syntax is a branch of linguistics that studies the rules, or “patterns relations” that govern the way words combined to form phrases and p...
Literature is the expression of human personal life in the form of experience, thought, feeling, idea, enthusiasm, conviction in a concret...
Genre is the way how people interact with others in which they are influenced by culture, ideology, purposes, social and setting. Hence, thi...
Penelitian ini berjudul “Meningkatkan Keterampilan Siswa Kelas IV SD Negeri Wonoroto Dalam Melakukan Operasi Perkalian Bilangan Cacah di B...
Tujuan mata pelajaran seni budaya khususnya seni musik adalah mengembangkan aspek kreasi dan apresiasi seni. Dalam aspek kreasi banyak kenda...
The result of pre-research observation finds some field problems in teaching and learning process of speaking English as follows: (1) Stud...
In this study, the researcher focuses on the taboo words and euphemistic expressions of the player of Ali G film. This study is also focus...
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